The power of Nemuri Kayama aka Midnight is a symbol of woman’s superiority. First, remember that her alter allows her to make her target sleeping. In fact, when the sexy teacher of Yuei Highschool takes off a piece of her clothes, her skin exudes a soporific gas. But as we see it in My Hero Academia, she uses that power like a submissive weapon. So, why would she lose time in seducing a guy? Thanks to her skill and her whip, she can turn a great warrior into a submitted dog. Of course, we can’t imagine a normal guy trying to resist to that beautiful babe. Why does she need to waste her power when she already has the half of the planet dreaming to fuck Midnight? Obviously, she wants also the other half at her feet!

sex ;))))
This ruins anime for me i will report this website
its hentai bro
Lmao bait
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